New Fundraise Your Way to Freedom from Student Debt. Learn how. 


Employer Student loan Repayment Benefit

Create a competitive advantage and set up a Paidly Student Loan Benefit (SLB) plan in just minutes to attract top talent, enrich your employees, improve engagement, and productivity, and increase loyalty.

competitive advantage

Why Offer Student Loan Repayment Benefits?

Improve Employee Financial Wellness

check icon$1 contribution translates to $1.51 to the employee (tax and interest savings)
check iconPayback period and interest paid can be substantially reduced

Reduce Costs and Loss

check icon
Productivity loss of unfilled positions -- 42 days to hire new positions
check icon
Recruiting and training/onboarding costs -- up to 50-75% of base salary

Enhance Recruitment and Loyalty

Student loans negatively impact employee quality of life. Student loan debt can create major stress and force the postponement of major milestones in life.


The amount of student loan debt families in America are carrying and struggling to pay back


of employees would commit to their employer for 5 years if they received help paying off student loans


of young workers stress about how they are going to pay back all their student loans

Employer ROI Student Loan Repayment Calculator

Estimate your return on investment (ROI) when offering a supplemental student loan repayment benefit to your employees.

Use our ROI Calculator
Paidly ROI Calculator

Make an Impact on Employees

With Paidly, delivering student loan benefits can assist with offsetting productivity loss by increasing financial wellness and reducing new employee training/onboarding costs through retention, recruitment and employee loyalty. Paidly is your tool for delivering employer student loan repayment benefits to your employees.

Company Estimated* Cost Savings

Current employees
Recruitment cost (avg)
Annual employee turnover rate
Vacant position lost productivity (avg weeks)
Participating employees
New employee onboarding ramp (avg weeks)
Participant retention rate
Average Compensation
Comp. escalation of new employees

Student Loans Benefits Program Cost

Annual Employer Student Loan Payments $2,400

Annual cost savings

Benefit to employee


Turnover cost reduction


Return on Investment (ROI)


*The information and materials contained on this Website are for information purposes only. Use of the Website is at your sole risk. We use reasonable efforts to include reliable information and materials, but Paidly makes NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS AND TIMELINESS OF SUCH INFORMATION AND MATERIALS AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSION CONTAINED IN THE Website.

On-demand Payments

While employers recognize the need to help employees with loan debt, many can't justify additional benefit expenses—especially during an economic downturn. Take advantage of Paidly's on-demand payment.

A one-time, secure, and direct student loan payment. On-demand payments are a great way for employers to convert bonuses and more into a one-time student loan repayment benefit. Giving an opportunity for employees to self-direct these payments to what matters most.

Learn more about on-demand Payments
Sign-up Bonus Payment
Referral Bonus Payment
Quarterly bonus
Annual Bonus Payment
Paid Time off (PTO) Conversion

How it works... It's easy

Sign up your company for Paidly online services
  • Paidly will verify your company based on your information
Invite eligible employees to register for this financial wellness benefit using the Paidly onboarding application
  • You provide a list of employees to invite
  • Paidly will collect and confirm their loan information
  • Each employee will be provided their own dashboard to track their student loan financial wellness
Setup your supplemental Student Loan Benefit plan payments to be applied toward employee loan principal
  • You setup your benefit plan amount and recurring schedule
  • Paidly will collect and distribute the payment to employee accounts and their various loan providers

Do you have questions?

Our support team ready to help you at [email protected] or Toll Free: (888) 384-6010

Are you ready to use Paidly to pay down student loan debt?

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Make loan repayment a benefit,
not a burden

[email protected]

© 2024 Paidly, LLC. All rights reserved.

Please be advised that MeetPaidly does not offer financial, tax, or legal advice including regarding the financial, tax, or legal implications and execution of your offered benefits. You must independently understand and ensure compliance with the applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.