New Fundraise Your Way to Freedom from Student Debt. Learn how. 

About Us

We're here to help you free your employees from the burden of student loan debt

We are a company that helps employers set up supplemental student loan benefits for employees. We believe that student loan debt is a real issue in the US, and we want to help our customers find a solution.

A small team with big dreams

We are dedicated to helping people pay off their student loans faster, and we think our customers are the best! Our goal is to give them the tools they need to succeed.

With over 15 years of experience in fintech, we've created an easy-to-use platform that allows employers to set up a SLB program in just minutes. Our platform allows employers to create a competitive advantage by offering this benefit plan, enrich their employees through better engagement and productivity, and increase loyalty by giving back to those who have given so much already—their education!

Rochester New York Canal and Skyline
Rochester New York Main Buildings in Skyline silhouette

Rochester, New York

+ many remote

building paidly student loan benefit application

We're still growing with you

Amazing organizations start with amazing people. We are always trying to find modern ways to reduce the student loan debt crisis, help employees gain financial freedom, and wellness. Our product is always evolving with feedback from our customers.

Core values

The standards by which we run our company

The values we live and work by, they hold us accountable to be the very best company we can be for our customers.


Perceive and relate to our customers, student loans are a real issue that effects everyone differently. Respond and react always with compassion.

Win (or lose) together

There is no one to blame, we are all in this together. Create fearlessly, move fast. When we fail, we learn, adjust and try again.

Be customer-obsessed

We're all about real customer service, no matter what role we're in. We go above and beyond for our customers, we're nothing without them.

Pause on principle

An intentional stepping back, within ourselves and outside ourselves. Always gain that fresh perspective, always reflect and deliberate to then lead with greater clarity and impact.

Live to learn

Learning leads to new opportunities, it changes things, it allows us to teach others, it drives our commitment and the constant pursuit of improvement.

Get started with an account

Setup an account, create your company and start inviting your employees to help pay off their loans. Paidly will handle the rest.

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Get a view of how the platform works with a walk through

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Make loan repayment a benefit,
not a burden

[email protected]

© 2024 Paidly, LLC. All rights reserved.

Please be advised that MeetPaidly does not offer financial, tax, or legal advice including regarding the financial, tax, or legal implications and execution of your offered benefits. You must independently understand and ensure compliance with the applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.